SoSAFE! Concepts, Tools and Resources
SoSAFE! provides teachers, counsellors and other professionals with simple visual tools to enhance the training of social, socio-sexual and social safety skills. The explicit, rule-based format allows the learner to respond to situations, including intimate relationships, without having to make discretionary decisions, in response to their feelings or ‘early warning signs’.

Talk Touch Triangle Box Set
Have you done the SoSafe! Training? The Talk Touch Triangle Wall Chart Box Set (pictured above) contains two complete sets of the updated SoSAFE! Talk Touch Triangle pictographs — which are protected with cello glaze on both sides and high-quality — A3 Talk Touch Triangle poster and information on how to set up the TTT.
It is one of many tools from the SoSAFE! Framework and it’s designed to be used in conjunction with the SoSAFE! Concepts and other SoSAFE! tools. To obtain the entire SoSAFE! Framework including the concepts and tools and become licensed to use the entire suite, you must complete SoSAFE! User Training.
We are busy working on a third edition release of the SoSAFE! Framework and guidance materials. The new Talk Touch Triangle Wall Chart includes some minor changes to the pictographs and the OK behaviours that will be included in that release.

SoSafe! Talk Touch Triangle
The Talk Touch Triangle teaches the type and degree of verbal and physical intimacy appropriate with different categories of people. Levels of verbal and physical intimacy are specified and taught for each person type.
Please note to obtain the entire SoSAFE! Framework including the concepts and tools and become licensed to use the entire suite, you must complete SoSAFE! User Training.

Steps to Relationship Booket
Teaches ways of moving into intimate relationship in a safe and measured manner. STR is based on the concepts taught in the Talk Touch Triangle. Its main purpose is to encourage students and clients to move into intimate relationships in a gradual and safe manner starting with ‘meeting people’ and followed by four additional stages, all involving the concept of ‘consent’.
Please note to obtain the entire SoSAFE! Framework including the concepts and tools and become licensed to use the entire suite, you must complete SoSAFE! User Training.

People & Relationship
The People & Relationship folder incorporates information from the Talk Touch Triangle and Steps to Relationship and OK Helpers. The personalised folder ideally constantly accompanies the student or client in all domains of their lives (residential, educational / vocational and recreational).
A network of trusted people (OK Helpers) to be contacted if in need of help, including their contact details, and the Help Page (a visual communication tool for reporting abuse). Plus Templates, Social Scripts, Lotto Files and more resources.

SoSAFE! Training Pack
Steps to Relationship teaches ways of moving into intimate relationship in a safe and measured manner.
Steps to Relationships (STR) is based on the concepts taught in the Talk Touch Triangle. Its main purpose is to encourage students and clients to move into intimate relationships in a gradual and safe manner starting with ‘meeting people’ and followed by four additional stages, all involving the concept of ‘consent’.
Please note to obtain the entire SoSAFE! Framework including the concepts and tools and become licensed to use the entire suite, you must complete SoSAFE! User Training.